Friday, 4 November 2011

Exercise for mums to do whilst they have a crawling baby to entertain! Tips

As requested by simone.  Exercises for mums whilst you have a crawling baby to entertain is a challenge! 


The options are to do the exercises that are more personal training based and use dumb bells and full body movements to help burn calories and workout effeciently with the short time you have.  Your babies will find it quite entertaining seeing you squat down and make faces at them and you might be exercising to baby music to keep them amused but I am sure it will keep you amused too at what you find yourself exercising to!

So routine. use full body movements such as squats with bicep curls into shoulder press and super set this with an ab exercise, then a upper body exercise and then go into the first exercise.  Do the routine 3 times.   So you are moving non stop and increasing your heart rate, and your workout will be about 20mins.  Do this every day and you will soon see a difference.  It is consistency that counts.  Short sharp routines daily are far better than exercising for an hour twice or once a week!

I am not going to post a workout as workouts will vary depending on your individual needs and also dependent on any injuries or impairments etc.  If anyone wants any personal training or 3 sessions to get their routine underway, just let me know and we will include the pilates for relaxation and inch loss. 

The pilates section can be done whilst your baby is asleep.  Nutrition is 70% responsible for weight loss/fat loss and fitness and exercise 100% results in your tone and definition and how you feel as well as helping you lose weight and increase your fitness. 

If you want weight loss look first at your diet.  I have a really great nutritionalist if you want her details and she also does the analysis of blood etc too.

Must dash. off to teach pilates in Balham now.  just done the 7am pilates in clapham class.  space is available on this class if anyone wants to come along.  The promotions and course dates are set for new pilates classes.  Book before 6th November and you get 10% discount!  PIlates in clapham, Pilates in Balham, Pilates in Battersea/wandsworth.

Rosa xx

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