Thursday, 20 October 2011

Hypnobirthing and Pilates Workshops in Clapham/Wandsworth

Hypnobirthing and Pilates 3hr workshop  on scheduled sundays held in Clapham/Wandsworth area.

£45/per person. Partners are welcome to join us.

Venue: TBC, contact Rosa for details.

Time: 10am – 1pm.

Free Hypnobirthing cd – My beautiful birth – to listen to daily to help you

with a pain free birthing experience.

The hypnobirthing session with Dr Deborah Kerslake and a Relaxation stretching

Pilates session with Rosa, to get you in the best state to be able to fully benefit and

be receptive to the hypnosis session and course you will experience. You will walk

away feeling calm, relaxed yet excited about your birth. This course and CD will help

you feel calm and in control, help eliminate any fear of birth and your birth will be

hopefully calmer, you will be able to breath through any pain and cope better during

your birth.

Hypnosis for assisting with birthing is a powerful tool. It remind and reinforces the

mind to remain in a relaxed state where the mind can release pain and tension.

Imagine being able to enjoy a peaceful birth, feeling refreshed and in control. The

free CD that will be given to you on the course can be used to continue the training

and teach your body to deepen trance and to relax when needed. You can listen to a

CD during your childbirth to continue to guide you to a deeply relaxed and pain free

state. The

This session and the C.D. will teach your body to go into hypnosis quickly and easily.

It encourages you to find the wisdom of your body that knows how to have a

peaceful birth.

Hypnosis, gives you all the tools and techniques to feel comfortable, in control,

empowered and relaxed as you work with your body in childbirth.

Hypnosis is a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration - a state of mind and

body in which we communicate suggestions to our subconscious mind. This part of

our mind influences what we think, how we feel and the choices we make. It can

actually control pain.

Almost anyone who chooses to can reach deep relaxation and redirected focus.

When having your baby with Hypnosis, what you will experience is similar to the

daydreaming or focusing that occurs when you are engrossed in a book or staring at

a fire. You will be conversant and in good spirits, totally relaxed, but fully in control.

You will be aware of your body's contractions but will be able to determine the extent

to which you feel the surge. You will experience your birth in an atmosphere of calm

relaxation, without fear and tension that cause pain. Your body's natural anaesthesia

(endorphins) will replace the stress hormones that create pain.

In primitive cultures many women still have relatively pain free births, one of the

explanations for that is that they remain relaxed and view the process as natural and

wonderful (the whole tribe is with them and excited for them. They are the centre of

the universe for a while, the main event, the most important person) and this reenforces

the positive and joyful aspects of bringing a new life into your world

To book please email Or call mobile 07879637733

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